Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Corruption in Pakistan

We have been free and independent for 65 years. We call ourselves The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, but we are far, far away from the rules of governance which Islam prescribes to run the daily affairs of life. We are also far removed from the concept the founder of the nation visualized for an independent Muslim state.

Encarta dictionary describes ‘corruption’ as bribery, dishonesty, crookedness, fraud, profiteering, wickedness, evil, sin, lack of integrity. After 65 years the words Pakistan & corruption are almost synonymous.

Be it a student or a shopkeeper, a businessman or a government officer, be it a politician or a feudal lord we are all engaged in wrong doings. The minute we wake up in the morning we are scheming and calculating how to manipulate and take advantage of the people we deal with, how to make more money, how to fool and cheat people.
We are all the time thinking of getting more than what we have worked for, or deserve. We as a nation have let lose our desires and want to get what we want by hook or by crook (which means by fair or unfair means). We want gains which are not rightfully ours. We seek shortcuts. 

I’ll give you some examples we all encounter in our daily lives. For instance, you may have accompanied your mother on one of her shopping sprees, and you may have heard her complain that she has landed up with a banana or a grape bunch she hadn’t chosen at the shop, or that the dress material she paid a fortune for, is defective. That’s corruption.

Did your father ever ask you to turn and keep an eye on the petrol meter at the gasoline station? Did a policeman ever stop you for violating a traffic rule or for not having your driving papers? No problem. You can trade your freedom with a crisp red Quaid-e-Azam. That’s corruption.

Whether we want to make an ID card, passport or a driving license, or a birth certificate we have to pay more money than what these documents actually cost. That’s corruption.

A person, a family, a neighbourhood, a nation can never progress till we are honest with ourselves and others, and with our work. We must promise to be true to ourselves and others; we must promise to work hard and make things better for ourselves and our beloved Pakistan. It’s never too late

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